
Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with Next.js

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the process of implementing Server-Side Rendering (SSR) using React Server and Next.js. SSR offers a powerful technique for generating fully-rendered HTML content directly on the server, a strategy renowned for its capacity to enhance performance and optimize search engine optimization (SEO) outcomes. With our step-by-step instructions, you'll unlock the potential of SSR, empowering you to deliver lightning-fast, SEO-friendly web experiences to your users. Let's dive in!


To seamlessly integrate SSR with React Server and Next.js, we'll leverage the robust capabilities of the renderComponent function, conveniently offered by the state-less/react-client package. This versatile function effortlessly retrieves a component using GraphQL, orchestrating the rendering process to yield a fully-prepared component, primed for SSR deployment. With this powerful tool at our disposal, we'll unlock a world of possibilities, enabling us to effortlessly enhance the performance and SEO prowess of our applications. Let's embark on this journey together!


  1. First, make sure you have Next.js installed and set up in your project. Refer to the Next.js Docs
  2. Make sure you have a running React Server, as well as both React Client and Apollo Client installed.

Getting Started

The procedure to get started with next.js instead of vite is almost the same. Go ahead by creating a new project and installing the dependencies.

yarn create next-app --typescript my-app
cd my-app
yarn add @apollo/client state-less/react-client
yarn dev

Now you need to create a lib/client.ts file with the same content as the one on the start page

If you followed these steps, you can continuing implementing SSR with Next.js and React Server

Implementing SSR with Next.js

  1. In your Next.js project, create a new page that will use SSR.
  2. In your Next.js page, use the getServerSideProps function to fetch the component's data during SSR using renderComponent. This function will ensure that the component is fetched and rendered on the server before sending the fully-rendered HTML to the client. Return the data from the component as props.
  3. Pass the props from getServerSideProps to the useComponent function in the data field of the options parameter, along with the component key and any required props (such as the client). This will ensure that your client subscribes to changes of the component, making it reactive.

Let's render our second hello world example which is a simple counter button which increases the count when you click on it.

You will need to create an additional apollo client for SSR because websockets aren't supported (and not needed) during server side rendering.


// ...

export const ssrClient = new ApolloClient({
  link: localHttp,
  cache: new InMemoryCache(),
  defaultOptions: {
    query: {
      fetchPolicy: "network-only", // Always fetch from the network first

// ...


import { renderComponent, useComponent } from "@state-less/react-client";
import { ssrClient, localClient } from "../lib/client";

import { Button } from "@mui/material";

export async function getServerSideProps() {
  const { data: helloWorldComponent } = await renderComponent("hello-world-2", {
    client: ssrClient,

  return { props: { helloWorldComponent } };

export default function Test(props) {
  const [component, { error, loading }] = useComponent("hello-world-2", {
    client: localClient,
    data: props.helloWorldComponent,
  return (
      <Button onClick={() => component?.props?.increase()}>
        Count is {component?.props?.count}

If you visit http://localhost:3000/test you will see that the count of the button get's rendered in the initial HTML sent by the next.js server. If you disable JavaScript and reload the page, the button still has the latest count. If you enable JavaScript, the button is interactive and reactive. If you click on it the count updates.

Note: this assumes that you already have a react server with the hello-world-2 component running. It also assumes you have created the lib/client.ts file from the example on the start page. (Home)

With the above steps, you have successfully implemented SSR with React Server and Next.js. Your components will now be rendered on the server, providing improved performance and SEO benefits.