
Join the React Server Community and Collaborate!

We're delighted to welcome your interest in joining the React Server community! We firmly believe that open-source projects flourish through the collaboration of developers from diverse backgrounds and skill sets. Your involvement is crucial to propelling the project forward, enhancing its quality, and ensuring its continued success. Together, let's shape the future of React Server and create something truly remarkable.

How to Get Started

  1. Engage with the Community: Begin by immersing yourself in our vibrant community to stay abreast of the latest developments, releases, and discussions surrounding React Server. Whether it's subscribing to our mailing list, following our social media channels, or joining our interactive chat rooms, there are myriad ways to connect and collaborate with fellow enthusiasts.

  2. Dive into the Codebase: Familiarize yourself with the intricacies of the codebase by cloning the repository, configuring the development environment, and running the project locally. This hands-on exploration will provide invaluable insights into the project's architecture, organization, and coding standards.

  3. Delve into the Documentation: Thoroughly review the project's documentation, encompassing the README, contributing guidelines, and supplementary resources. This comprehensive examination will equip you with the necessary knowledge to contribute effectively and efficiently.

  4. Identify an Opportunity: Navigate through the project's issue tracker to pinpoint an opportunity that resonates with your interests and expertise. Focus on issues tagged as "good first issue" or "help wanted," as these are typically tailored for newcomers and hold significance in the project's roadmap.

  5. Foster Dialogue: Prior to embarking on any significant endeavors, engage in discussions with the project maintainers and community members to share your ideas and solicit feedback. This collaborative exchange ensures alignment with project objectives and maximizes the impact of your contributions.

Ways to Contribute

There are numerous avenues through which you can make meaningful contributions to React Server:

Bug Reporting: Should you encounter any bugs or issues while utilizing React Server, we encourage you to promptly report them on our issue tracker. Your comprehensive input, including steps to replicate the issue, error messages, and pertinent environment details, is invaluable in facilitating swift resolution.

Feature Requests: Share your innovative ideas for new features or enhancements by initiating a discussion in our issue tracker. Provide a succinct description of the proposed feature along with compelling reasons for its inclusion, fostering collaborative dialogue with maintainers and the wider community.

Code Contributions: Contribute to the project's evolution by addressing bugs, introducing new features, or refining existing functionality through code contributions. Adhere to the project's coding conventions and meticulously submit your changes as pull requests for thorough review and integration.

Documentation: Enhance the accessibility and clarity of the project's documentation by rectifying typos, refining instructions, or enriching content with additional examples and tutorials. Your efforts play a pivotal role in ensuring a seamless user experience for all.

Testing: Contribute to the project's robustness and reliability by actively participating in testing endeavors. This entails executing the test suite, validating new features, and assisting in the identification and replication of bugs, ultimately fortifying the project's quality assurance measures.

Community Support: Extend a helping hand to fellow community members by offering assistance, guidance, and insights on forums, chat rooms, or social media platforms. Your support fosters a collaborative atmosphere conducive to collective growth and learning.

A Welcoming and Inclusive Environment

At React Server, inclusivity and mutual respect are fundamental values we uphold within our community. We extend a warm invitation to all contributors, emphasizing the importance of treating one another with respect, empathy, and kindness. To gain insight into our community standards and expectations, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with our Code of Conduct.

Your involvement is pivotal to the continual enhancement of the React Server project, and we're genuinely thrilled to welcome you aboard. Together, let's embark on a journey of collaboration and innovation, striving to elevate our project to new heights!

Head over to Github to get started.

Branching Guide for React Server

This branching guide delineates an effective strategy leveraging feature branches, release branches, and fix branches to optimize your team's workflow and streamline the software development process for React Server.

Branching Overview

There are three main types of branches in this strategy:

  1. Feature branches: feature/my-feature
  2. Release branches: release/v2.0.1-pre-alpha
  3. Fix branches: fix/issue-description

Branching Workflow

Feature Branches

  • Create a new branch from the latest release branch.
  • Name the branch using the format: feature/my-feature
  • Work on your feature, committing changes as needed.
  • When the feature is complete, create a pull request to merge it into the release branch.

Release Branches

  • Create a new release branch from the master branch.
  • Name the branch using the format: release/v2.0.1-pre-alpha
  • Merge completed feature branches into the release branch in iterations.
  • Test and review the release branch thoroughly.
  • When the release branch is stable and ready, create a pull request to merge it into the master branch.
  • Tag the new release on the master branch with the appropriate SemVer.

Fix Branches

  • Create a new branch from the latest release or master branch, depending on where the issue is found.
  • Name the branch using the format: fix/issue-description
  • Work on the fix, committing changes as needed.
  • Create a pull request to merge the fix branch into both the release and master branches.

Important Notes

  • Master branch only receives stable SemVer releases merged from release branches.
  • Release branches receive completed features and undergo testing and review before merging into the master branch.
  • Branch protection is enabled on the master branch to ensure stability.