

You probably wonder how components on the server side look like. That's easy: Just as they do on the Frontend. If you're familiar with React you should immediately notice the similarities.

const server = <Server>{/* your components here */}</Server>;

Creating your own components is straight forward. This is the code that powers the button below.

import { Scopes, useState, clientKey } from "@state-less/react-server";
import { ServerSideProps } from "./ServerSideProps";

export const HelloWorldExample = (props, { key, context }) => {
  // The useState hook looks familiar?
  const [count, setState] = useState(0, {
    key: "count",
    scope: Scopes.Global,

  // A simple function that can be executed from the client side.
  const increase = () => {
    setState(count + 1);

  return (
    // Simply pass down props to the client side.
      key={clientKey(`${key}-props`, context)}
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